Monday, August 12, 2013

Inspiring this month.

This is mostly a list for my own reference -- I read so many blog posts and I like to remember the ones that stood out to me. I hope you find something that is inspiring to you, too.


:: Take June: To Be Truly Seen -- Is the face we see in the mirror the complete story?

:: An Equivalent Centre of Self (Musings on Individual Worth) : Segullah -- How our different talents bless others in different ways.

:: The Intellectual LDS Mother | Aspiring Mormon Women -- How to keep love of learning alive, whether you are a professor or a stay at home mom or somewhere in between (also, a pat on the back for those of us who are better at intangible creativity rather than the crafts that fill many women's beautiful homes)

:: A Merrell's Life: Memories of a Miscarriage -- A beautiful tribute to a lost baby and thoughts on how to get through a miscarriage.

:: I am My Own Plan A | Aspiring Mormon Women -- A definition of feminism that empowers all women.

:: An Armchair By The Sea: The Weekly List #3: Mood Boosting Books! -- Books to make you feel happy inside (all books make me feel happy inside. But these ones are supposed to do that especially).

:: A CUP OF JO: The Royal Baby -- I cried when I heard about Prince George, and I think it is kind of exciting that he was born only a few months after my son. And of course Princess Kate's postpartum belly has been talked about ad nauseum, but still -- kudos to her for showing the world that the postpartum body isn't perfect right away but can still be beautiful.

:: The Invisible Mother | -- We may not be recognized for the individual acts of labor, but the end product of motherhood is beautiful.

:: A Time for Faith, Not Fear -- Despite the turmoil of the world, we can proceed forth with perspective and faith that all will be well, even if it isn't immediate. I was talking about this with a friend today and it was a great reminder to me -- we can't control everything, but we can have faith that life will come together, often in ways better than we could ever have predicted.

What inspired you this month?


  1. Oh thank you SO much for doing this post! I am dying for some new inspirational blogs to read, so I really appreciate you sharing yours. Will you always share what inspires you? I really enjoy it :) And I was touched to have made the list. I love you Lorren! I hope all is well :)

  2. I don't know your email address, but yes you inspired me! I always find your inspirations really uplifting and motivating for me as well! If you leave your email address in a comment, I'll invite you to my personal blog as well.


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