Tuesday, March 15, 2011

updates, updates

I have been a lazy lazy girl at keeping up this blog. But I do want to keep it alive. Here's what we've been doing lately...


turned 23

has gotten 100% on more than one exam

is writing three papers this week

is shadowing an oral surgeon and LOVING it, which makes me happy, although I'm worried we are NEVER going to get out of debt

is a hot Italian man on the scooter


got into nursing school

am so nearly nearly graduated

have been working at Borders

wrecked our car

have been selected to be a voting member in the Indie Lit Awards (woot!)

have been blogging and reading a lot and attempting to write again.


are going to be Camp Kesem counselors in August

have been blessed in so many ways - we have had some financial hardships (see item 4 under "I") but have had some financial blessings that have eclipsed them. (Thanks for the belated Pell Grant, BYU)

can't wait for spring

have been married for almost seven months.

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