Monday, April 27, 2015

Family Updates {3.15} & {4.15}


:: Completed an oral surgery externship at USC over spring break (but is pretty sure he wants to do general dentistry now)
:: Has been working hard at school, working with difficult patients and also doing a lot of work on his dad


:: Turned 27 and had a fabulous birthday, complete with prenatal massage, delicious lunch and dinner, and feeling loved and spoiled by family and friends
:: Am now 18 weeks pregnant, and very impatient to learn the gender of our baby on May 13th
:: Am slowly overcoming all the fatigue and morning sickness


:: Loves swimming lessons and can't wait for the pool to open again (it's been closed for renovations for weeks)
:: Will eat food if you compare it to bugs (i.e., pesto pasta is caterpillars. "More caterpillars please!")
:: Loves snails, "poly-bugs", butterflies, and other creepy-crawlies
:: Loves his Thomas duplos
:: Had a nasty bout with pink-eye and then a double ear infection which we discovered because he had a fever of 105.5 and took him to the emergency room. It's been a rough few weeks for him!
:: Is becoming a pro at puzzles (and can do them for an hour without getting bored)
:: Has been struggling at his new daycare, so we are trying to decide what the best option for him is. We want him to be around other kids so he can overcome some of his nervousness around them, but don't want him to be traumatized. We could definitely use some prayers.


:: Are going to Hawaii in June! Hooray!

1 comment:

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