Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Family Updates {1.15}

Ostensibly, the point of making this blog a long, long time ago was so my family could keep up with what we, the Lemmons, are up to. Instead it has turned out to be more of a soapbox for me. Instagram and Facebook are usually how I actually keep family up to date, but just for fun, I'm going to write dry minimalist updates on here once a month as well. Maybe.

:: is hard at work in dental school
:: is probably going to stick with general dentistry rather than surgery at this time

:: is adjusting to his new daycare at the hospital where I work
:: is obsessed with Thomas the train and his friends
:: is getting very sneaky... Asked to put the chocolate chips in the cookies I was making and then attempted to eat all the chocolate chips
:: loved riding the horsie with his daddy when he visited Grandma and Pappy in Idaho
:: learned airplane travel is not all he dreamed it was, saying "Want get off the airplane" after only a few minutes on board
:: has been battling a nasty cold for the last couple of weeks

:: got to perform my first bone marrow transplant since orientation at work
:: am doing a lot of yoga these days
:: need to get more sleep

:: traveled to Idaho to visit Uncle Jace before he leaves on his LDS mission to Ft. Lauderdale, FL for two years
:: are evidently not especially exciting, because I can't think of anything else to write.

I think the point of this may also be to share pictures, but I am too lazy today. Next time!


  1. Love these posts! I think I am going to copy you. I am really really loving the structure of your blog lately - the life updates, the "musings", the "inspiration." I just want to do it all too. I really appreciate you being vulnerable and blogging, and your time-commitment with blogging. I can feel it giving me energy to get up and start doing it again to. Writing is SUCH a good purge, and I'm grateful for you to be the trail blazer and get that good energy going. Winters make me so slumpy sometimes.

    I love you Lorren!!


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